What's In That Diaper Bag?
3:01 PM
As you can see, I am still carrying the very same diaper bag from day one, which is a testament to it’s sturdiness. It’s only lost a couple of zipper pulls, which, when you think about how often I use it is pretty darn good.
Sassy Disposable Diaper Sacks | Neat Solutions Table Topper
Pastorable Canvas Bags
and now I just hang that by the door with my keys and toss it into whatever bag I’m carrying. I also put an extra chapstick and lipgloss in my school bag and diaper bag, and did away with my purse all together (for now!). It is so much easier to only have to remember ONE thing instead of 4 or 5 on top of everything else I need to remember as I’m running out the door.
is fairly light, with over 50 pounds worth of kid sitting in it, every additional pound matters.
in the trunk of my car. This way, my diaper bag stays light, and I still have everything that I need in case of an emergency. I also have a full sized first aid kit in the door of my truck, books, and some electronic entertainment items stashed in the car for the morning and afternoon rides to and from day care.