Dear Time Burglars...

6:40 AM

Don't you know that the holiday season is upon us?  If you are anything like me, you started decorating on December 1, got interrupted 3,479 times to go entertain a whining, teething, seven month old by singing Christmas carols or wearing flashing antlers, and then...

Never got back to it. 

I knew it was bad the other day when I asked my hubby if he liked my xmas decor and he said, "All you did was throw a couple of xmas dish towels in the kitchen and break out the penguin spatulas."

Aw crap. 

So now I am in mommy blog envy. Where the *bleep* is our stork? is listing the 21 ways to be selfless this holiday season. LBG is delivering doggie treats and making homemade red and green play dough as part of her advent calendar activities.  Selfish Mom is visiting Times Square and the M&Ms store.

And here I am, in freezing cold NJ, trying desperately to figure out how to schedule in a trip to the grocery store as my eyebrows grow to wooly mammoth proportions. Bah humbug! 

Today I planned a trip to Target, a homemade dinner using just one pan, bringing our little Martha Stewart pre-lit tree down from the attic (since we couldn't find time to go get a real one), creating our Xmas cards, and writing a blog post. Instead of the tree and the cards I watched the season finale of SOA on my DVR (btw DID THAT REALLY HAPPEN?!) and emailed my principal back.  Three outta five ain't bad, right?

I am still trying to figure out how to be supermom. You know, the mom who has 95 things up in the air at once and never drops a single one? But for today, I will go to sleep grateful that 1.) my kids went to bed clean and with full bellies, 2.) I have homemade breakfasts and dinners in the freezer for them for the next 2 days, 3.) I only had to change my shirt once due to spontaneous spit up, and 4.) I cooked my hubby a warm meal that was healthy and have enough leftover for my lunch tomorrow. 

So, if you truly ARE anything like me, don't feel bad about not getting to the other stuff. We're doing our best, our children are loved, and The holidays will come again next year. 

Hopefully by then Obama will have figured out how to add more hours to a day. 

Until then, spend your time enjoying the little victories, and squeeze in the trimmings, if you can. 

Happy Holidays everyone!

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